Request for Sponsorship
The Quinte Bay Gymnastics Club's registration continues to grow each year and as such there are currently over 1,485 athletes. Each year we strive to increase programs and create new ones to accommodate the needs of the community and surrounding areas. As a not-for-profit organization run by a Board of Directors, staff, and parent volunteers we are committed to providing quality gymnastics programs in our community at both the recreational and competitive levels. With the support of parent volunteers, sponsorship, and fundraisers we are able to offer affordable memberships while providing safe and up to date equipment for all athletes.
Prior to 2020, with the help of our sponsorships, the club has continued to raise funds to assist with the costs of upgrades and improvements to the club. During 2019 we were able to upgrade our outside lighting and convert all the inside lighting to LED. With the added expense of upgrading accessibility throughout the club we were able to apply for an accessibility grant. In September 2020 we were successful with our grant application so that in December 2020 we were able to change out both sets of entry doors and have new accessible doors installed. We are currently in the process of applying for another accessibility grant to install accessible doors and openers for the main office and accessible viewing area.
Each year we host up to three competitions. The monies raised from hosting competitions goes directly to the purchase of new equipment, matting, carpeting, and equipment maintenance. Hosting competitions provides the club with opportunities to contribute back to the cities tourism and hospitality given that a competition is generally held over the course of 4 days and has an average registration of 450 athletes. This past June the club was able to host National Championships for ACRO which brought athletes from Alberta, British Columbia, and Quebec. These funds generally allow the club to cover most equipment costs, etc and as such we can apply all sponsorships and grants toward building upgrades.
QBGC is seeking corporate sponsorship as we continue in our efforts to address the ever-changing legislation and regulations required to make the necessary improvements to our facility that will be of benefit to all members. Through the support of your sponsorship, we hope to raise funds to address the following:
Upgrade fire rated doors in upper viewing area, electrical rooms, and hallway according to new legislation. Estimated cost $6,000
Upgrade main washrooms to be accessible. Estimated cost is $20,000
Install private change stalls and new flooring in the change rooms. Estimated cost is $15,000
This is a great opportunity for businesses like yours to have phenomenal exposure to a large local audience. The Club has four levels of sponsorship to suit your advertising needs. Please view Sponsorship Levels. Every gymnast benefits in some way from corporate sponsorship. Therefore, in return for your generosity we ask all athletes and their families to support you, our sponsors.
Thank you in advance for your consideration. If you can help us, or have any further questions, please contact the office by phone: 613-967-9517 or by email:
Provincial Level $200
Business/Logo on our sponsorship wall for 1 year
Brochures/Business cards on display in our office/boutique
National Level $300
Business/Logo on our sponsorship wall for 1 year
Business/Logo on our website with a link to your business
Brochures/Business cards on display in our office/boutique
Your business announced as a proud sponsor at hosted competitions and events
World Level $500
Business/Logo on our sponsorship wall for 1 year
Business/Logo on our website with a link to your business
Brochures/Business cards on display in our office/boutique
Your business announced as a proud sponsor at hosted competitions and events.
Company logo/banner half size (4’wide x 3’long) displayed in the gym (banner to be supplied by sponsor)
Olympic Level $700
Business/Logo on our sponsorship wall for 1 year
Business/Logo on our website with a link to your business
Brochures/Business cards on display in our office/boutique
Your business announced as a proud sponsor at hosted competitions and events.
Company logo/banner full size (4’x6’) displayed in the gym (banner to be supplied by sponsor).
Plaque for your business with a picture of our competitive team outlining you as a sponsor of Quinte Bay Gymnastics Club
Barb Mutton Michael Vanderwal
Administrator Chair of the Board, Quinte Bay Gymnastic Club