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Gym Policies


Informed Consent and Assumption of Risk:

1.    This is a binding legal agreement. Clarify any questions or concerns before signing. As a Participant in the sport of gymnastics and the spectating, orientation, instruction, activities, competitions, programs, and services of Gymnastics Ontario and Quinte Bay Gymnastics Club (collectively the "Activities"), the undersigned, being the Participant and the Participant's Parent/Guardian (if Participant is under 18 years old), (collectively the "Parties"), acknowledges and agree to the terms outlined in this document.
2.    Gymnastics Ontario, Quinte Bay Gymnastics Club, and their respective Directors, Officers, committee members, members, employees, coaches, volunteers, officials, participants, agents, sponsors, owners/operators of the facilities in which the Activities take place, and representatives (collectively the "Organization").


Description and Acknowledgement of Risks:

3.    The Parties understand and acknowledge that:
a)    The Activities have foreseeable and unforeseeable inherent risks, hazards, and dangers that no amount of care, caution or expertise can eliminate, including without limitation, the potential for serious bodily injury.
b)    The Organization may offer or promote online programming (such as webinars, remote conferences, workshops, and online training) which have different foreseeable and unforeseeable risks than in-person programming
c)    The Organization has a difficult a difficult task to ensure safety and it is not infallible. The Organization may be unaware of the Participant's fitness or abilities, may give incomplete warnings or instructions, may misjudge weather or environmental conditions, and the equipment being used might malfunction.

4.    The Participant is participating voluntarily in the Activities. In consideration of that participation, the Parties hereby acknowledge that they are aware of the risks, dangers and hazards and may be exposed to such risks, dangers, and hazards. The risks, dangers and hazards include, but are not limited to:
a)    Privacy breaches, hacking, technology malfunction or damage.
b)    Executing strenuous and demanding physical techniques and exerting and stretching various muscle groups.
c)    Vigorous physical exertion, strenuous cardiovascular workouts, and rapid movements
d)    The failure to properly use any piece of equipment or from the mechanical failure of any piece of equipment or apparatus.
e)    Failure to follow instructions or rules.
f)    Serious injury to virtually all bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, tendons, and other aspects of the Participant's body or to the Participant's general health and well-being.
g)    Abrasions, sprains, strains, fractures, or dislocations.
h)    Concussion or other head injuries, including but not limited to, closed head injury or blunt head trauma.
i)    Physical contact with other participants, spotters, spectators, equipment, and hazards.
j)    Collisions with walls, any gymnastics apparatus, floors, or mats
k)    Falling, tumbling, or hitting any gymnastics apparatus, the floor, mats, or other surfaces.
l)    Failure to act safely or within the Participant's ability or designated areas.
m)    Negligence of other persons, including other spectators, participants, or employees.
n)    Travel to and from competitive events and associated non-competitive events which are an integral part  of the Activities. 
o)    Contracting COVID-19 or any other contagious disease.


Release of Liability:

5.    In consideration of the Organization allowing the Participant to participate in the Activities, the Parties agree:
a)    That when the Participant practices or trains in their own space, the Parties are responsible for the Participant's surroundings and the location and equipment that is selected for the Participant.
b)    That the Participant's mental and physical condition is appropriate to participate in the Activities and the Parties assume all risks related to the Participant's mental and physical condition.
c)    That the Participant may experience anxiety while challenging themselves during the Activities.
d)    To comply with the rules and regulations for participation in the Activities.
e)    To comply with the rules of the facility or equipment.
f)    The risks associated with the Activities are increased when the Participant is impaired, and the Participant will not participate if impaired in any way.

6.    In consideration of the Organization allowing the Participant to participate, the Parties agree:
a)    That the Parties are not relying on any oral or written statements made by the Organization or their agents, whether in brochure or advertisement or in individual conversations to agree to participate in the Activities.
b)    That the Organization is not responsible or liable for any damage to the Participant's vehicle, property, or equipment that may occur as a result of the Activities; and 
c)    That this Agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by law of the Province of Ontario and if any portion thereof is held invalid, the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect.

7.    The Parties agree that in the event that they file a lawsuit against the Organization, they agree to do so solely in the Province of Ontario.


Code of Conduct Policy:


Quinte Bay Gymnastics Club Inc (QBGC) is committed to providing a safe, healthy, rewarding environment that promotes a high level of program satisfaction and a respectful environment. We believe that it is a shared responsibility of all employees, volunteers, and participants to work towards the constant improvement of our club. To assist the organization in maintaining an exemplary environment, we require that all employees, volunteers, and participants of QBGC conduct themselves in an ethical and professional manner, at all times.



This policy applies to all employees, volunteers, and participants.


Policy Guidelines:

To preserve the core values and business principles that our organization is founded upon, we have compiled a list of unacceptable behavioural actions that have been classified as either:

1.  Hazardous to participant safety

2.  A influence on club morale or

3.  Detrimental to the success of QBGC. QBGC reserves the right to discipline and, in certain cases, terminate a membership for participating in any conduct that violates QBGC’s Code of Conduct standards and policies.


Unacceptable Actions / Behaviours:

Unacceptable behaviours shall include, but not be limited to the following:

  • Unprofessional behaviour when communicating with employees, parents/guardians, and associates

  • Willful damage or destruction to club property, or employee property

  • Disorderly, immoral, or indecent conduct

  • Violation of health and safety practices, policies and procedures

  • Theft, including physical, and intellectual properties

  • Dishonest, illegal, or improper business activities. Employees, volunteers, and participants are expected to conduct themselves in a manner conducive to a professional, safe workplace, following all employer practices, policies and procedures.


Behaviour Policy:

Students are expected to show respect for themselves, fellow students, coaches, supervisors, guests, the gym, and equipment as well as the facility itself. QBGC wants to ensure that behaviour is not something that detracts from a student’s experience at our facility. Our goal is to provide a healthy, safe, secure, and accepting environment for all participants.


          1st Level – Minor Behaviour

  • A discussion occurs with the parent(s) at the end of class/camp during pick-up.

  • Noted on Supervisor Report and student’s file.


2nd Level – Ongoing Minor Behaviour

  • Parent(s) are contacted during class/camp by the supervisor, the child may have to leave early.

  • Noted on Supervisor Report and student’s file.

  • The Recreational Coordinator has a follow-up call with the parent(s) to create an action plan.


3rd Level – Major Behaviour

  • Parent(s) are contacted during class/camp by the supervisor, child may have to leave early.

  • Noted on Supervisor Report and student’s file.

  • The Recreational Coordinator has a follow-up call with the parent(s) to create an action plan.

  • If the behaviour continues, QBGC reserves the right to suspend the student for the day, week, term, or year.


Payment Policies:

All fees, including the Annual Gymnastics Ontario Registration Fee, are due in full at the time of registering for a program.

All NSF will be charged $25.

QBGC does not offer make up classes, refunds, or credits for missed classes.

If a class is cancelled by the club due to inclement weather or unforeseeable circumstances, you will receive a credit that must be used within one year from the date of issue. 


**Please Note:  If QBGC must shut down for any reason, you will receive a credit on your account, less an administration fee, for any missed classes that must be used within one year from the date of issue.


Annual Registration Fee:

The annual Gymnastics Ontario Registration Fee of $40 is non-refundable and is not eligible to be pro-rated.


This is an annual fee that includes membership with Gymnastics Ontario. This fee is applied to each gymnast upon registration for any class or camp and is valid for classes or camps between July 1 and June 30 of each calendar year.


Recreational/Competitive Withdraw Policy:

Your child(ren)'s spot in class is theirs for the full term and no refunds will be given should you choose to withdraw before the end of the term .


**COMPETITIVE WITHDRAWALS must be sent directly via email to


Withdraw Policy for Camps, Birthdays, and More:

QBGC requires the following notice for withdrawals. All withdrawals must accompany a complete withdrawal form


**Please Note: Refunds are subject to an Administrative Fee when the applicable notice is provided. When less than minimum notice is given a credit will be placed on your account less an Administrative Fee and is contingent on a waitlist student filling the spot.

  • PA Day Camp - 14 Days Notice - $10 Admin Fee

  • Full Week Camp - 14 Days Notice - $25 Admin Fee

  • Birthday Parties - Contingent on the party being taken by another individual

  • Term Registration - Your child(ren)'s spot in class is theirs for the full term and no refunds will be given  should you choose to withdraw before the end of the term. 


General Gym Policies:

  • Gymnastics equipment may not be used unless under coach supervision.

  • We are a hands-off facility ensuring the safety and comfort of all gymnasts.

  • Only water is permitted inside the gym. Water bottle filling stations are located inside and outside the gym. As such your child(ren) must bring their own water bottle to each class.

  • All footwear must be removed in the lobby and left in the designated areas before entering the gym or upstairs viewing area.

  • Only students and staff may enter the gym except for any parented classes where the parent is required to support their child.

  • The upstairs viewing area is open for viewing and is a shared space. As such QBGC kindly asks that you adhere to and respect our policies. ALL outdoor footwear MUST be removed before heading upstairs to the viewing area. NO food or drink, including coffee, is permitted in the viewing area. No running or horseplay.

  • Cell phone use, photos and videos, are NOT permitted within the club.

  • We make every effort to provide a peanut/nut free environment. Please do not bring any food products made of or containing peanuts/nuts into the gym.

  • QBGC reserves the right to terminate membership at any time.

  • QBGC is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

  • Bare feet in the gym are required for safety reasons. However, if you wish to wear socks, they must be anti-slip and can be purchased in the office.

  • Shorts, t-shirts, leggings, and gymnastics leotards are all acceptable attire. Gymnastics leotards are available for purchase at the club. Please, NO crop tops, sports bras, bare midriffs, denim, belts, buckles, zippers, buttons, skirts, dresses, tutus, etc. Long hair must be tied back, and no jewelry is permitted except for studs and sleeper earrings. Parents will be notified via email when their child(ren) is not suitably attired.


Online Registration:

For your convenience, QBGC electronically stores your credit card information following legislated procedures. All fees, including the Annual Gymnastics Ontario Registration Fee, are due in full at the time of registering for a program.


NSF will be a charge of $25.


*Note: Program fees are subject to change with notice. 


You can register online through our website, our very own QBGC app, and/or by logging into your parent portal. For assistance, please email If you are a previous member and unable to login to your account through the parent portal, please DO NOT create another account. Please EMAIL or CALL the office 613-967-9517 for assistance.


Drop-Off and Pick-Up Policy:

When dropping off your child(ren) please bring them into the building where they will leave coats and footwear in the designated boot room off the lobby, you and your children(ren) will then proceed upstairs where you and your child(ren) will wait until their coach calls the class.


Parents do not have to stay in the building during their child(ren)'s unparented class. However, we would ask that you ensure all contact information, including emergency contact information, is up to date.


Pick-up will occur in the lobby. QBGC staff are responsible for your child(ren) during their scheduled class time only. As such we ask that you arrive on time when dropping off and picking up your child(ren).


Participation Procedure:

This policy is to address any occurrences of participants attending classes who have plantar warts or common warts and to minimize the spread of the virus from one participant to another. Participants who attend classes with plantar warts, papillomas, or common warts, must have warts completely covered with sports or medical tape as well as a sock or gymnastic slipper before class. A participant with an uncovered wart will not be allowed to participate, however, they may observe from the side. It is not the responsibility of the QBGC or the coach to provide medical tape or socks. It is the parent/guardian and participant's responsibility. Tape can be purchased by the roll along with anti-slip socks from the office.



8. The Parties acknowledge that they have read this agreement and understand it, that they have executed this agreement voluntarily, and that this agreement is to be binding upon themselves, their heirs, their spouses, parents, guardians, next of kin, executors, administrators and legal or personal representatives.


Competitive Athletes Only:
Please note that the Competitive Handbook precedes all of the above.


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© 2014 by A.Copeland

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